2023-2024 亚洲博彩平台 目录 
2023-2024 亚洲博彩平台 目录 (归档目录)


主要代码: 7078 学位授予: 理学学士
交付模式(s): 教室 录取状态: 本科
位置(s): Main Campus - Melbourne

Mathematical biology (biomathematics) is a highly interdisciplinary program at the intersection of mathematics, biology and computer science. The biomathematics major is offered through the mathematics department. Primarily during the freshman and sophomore years, biomathematics majors complete core courses, then specialize during the junior and senior years. Specialization is based on interest in computer science, mathematics or biology while retaining interdisciplinary training.

The interdisciplinary nature of the biomathematics major enables undergraduates who are interested in combining mathematics, computer science and biology to be more competitive for graduate programs and careers in bioinformatics, 生物统计学, 生物医学工程, biomathematics or medicine.


Candidates for the 理学学士 in Biomathematics must complete the minimum course requirements as outlined in the following curriculum.


Electives (39 credit hours)

  • Humanities elective (HU) 3000-level or higher recommended credit hours: 3
  • Social science credit hours: 3
  • Restricted electives (BIO/CSE/MAR/MTH 2000-level or higher) credit hours: 33



Choices of restricted electives are subject to approval by the student’s advisor. At least 30 elective credit hours must be at the 3000-level (or higher).

Total Credits Required: 126